Sexual Predators
In the following, you will find a compilation of "Tweets" and "Posts" by Church Protect's Founder, Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC @JonKUhlerLPC &
Facebook/JonUhler ). These represent a small portion of what he addresses each month, as he focuses on a wide variety of topics dealing with both Predators and Survivors.
As Church Protect's mission is to educate churches and other organizations on the true nature of the most sophisticated of Predators (those who specifically select churches and people of faith as their "primary targets of opportunity"), the information contained in these bite-sized nuggets of truth are designed to equip the reader to better understand the inner world and mindset of the Sophisticated Sexual Predator, in order to equip good people to better protect children and other vulnerable individuals from such Predators.
*** Updated ***
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As we all experience the impact of the Corona Virus, finding ourselves at home even more than during the Holidays, and kids off from school for an extended period of time, it is far too easy for parents to permit their children to be on their phones and computers for longer periods of time than what would be normal. However, what most parents don't realize is how much Child Predators are active during such times, and work overtime to take advantage of such opportunities, turning "social distancing" into the perfect opportunity to "reach out and touch someone"... especially children.
Predators are at the top of their game when they know parents are distracted, fatigued, or are lulled into a sense of complacency or a false sense of security, as kids are permitted online with little meaningful protections and supervision. And, they hunt best when parents are unaware of the methods Predators employ to strategically hunt, select, close in on, and groom certain kids. The reality is that child sexual predators hunt best when parents are lulled into assuming that calm waters means that everything is fine. Given that Predators are unusually patient, persistent, and strategic in their methods of hunting, they are most active and effective when they know that a parent's resolve toward remaining vigilant begins to wane.
Much like sharks which focus on certain sections of coastline, child predators troll those areas of the internet where kids are known to frequent.

The most sophisticated of Predators are the most proficient in their use of deception, and have an unusual ability to make themselves appear as harmless and safe, lulling both children and parents into believing that the child's new online "friend" is simply harmless, and even fun-loving. But, few parents understand the methodical and strategic grooming process employed by Predators, as they artfully wait for the right opportunity to avail itself... when parents aren't around... when children are permitted to spend extended time online with the unusually attentive "friends" they've made while playing certain online games, on certain social media sites, or in certain chatroom. Thus, despite all the warning signs about the dangers of those waters, the parent is often lulled into a false sense of security, and eventually begins to assume that his or her child's activities are safe from danger.
The predator is unusually patient and tactical, and using time to his advantage. Like a shark canvasing the shoreline just beyond the waves, the child predator takes his time trolling the most likely places on the internet to find kids, and, once he identifies a child, he begins to prime his "target of opportunity," overriding the child's intuition, to where they become unable to distinguish friend from foe, unable to discern the harmless from the predatorial.

Coupled with a decreasing degree of vigilance regarding online activities, most parents have also been misinformed about the nature and profile of the most sophisticated of predators, which adds to their false sense of security. Many parents have come to believe that Predators are fairly easy to spot, as they are "creepy" and impulsive, which is the furthest thing from reality. Parents are unaware of the sophisticated predators ability to appear as something very harmless and playful, which enables the predator the ability to start closing the gap, and lulling both parent and child into believing that everything is safe, and that there is nothing to fear from getting close to such new found friends who seem so friendly, playful, harmless, andnice.

That is how Predators are able to introduce themselves, to get close enough to unsuspecting children to gain their confidence, to gather sufficient information from the children, and to create the sort of emotional bond with the intended victim that enables a dangerous attachment to be established... by which a predator can begin emotionally separating a child from his/her parents. They are able to masquerade so skillfully that both the child and parent can lose the ability to discern between a playful online greeting from a nefarious one.

Though things have changed a bit in terms of their methods... given the mandate for social distancing... that simply means they have made hunting on the internet all that more of a priority during this brief interlude. Predators have found this "down time" to gear up for when their direct-contact can resume. So, the same groups of pedophiles are using social distancing as a means of improving their game toward establishing contact with children and "softening the targets" by promoting those activities that will afford them direct contact once things get back to normal. Through these target marketing efforts, they will have already "gotten a foot in the door"... made headway in the child's mind, introduced sexually provocative topics and images through seemingly "innocent" cartoons and animation, engaged them through anthropomorphic online games (where the child can take on an animal personality, lowered their inhibitions, peeked their curiosity, lured the child with emotional appeals, and relationally manipulated the child to where he/she is eager to go see the kinds of "fun adults" with whom they were interacting. The following categories have become some of the more useful kinds of "fun and games" for predators to utilize in their grooming: Drag (introducing the sexual theme of porn-influenced deviance) , anime (which introduces sexual themes and pictures), and Furries (introducing zoophilia/bestiality themes), which can serve to help introduce Trans (sex change) and pansexuality (no sexual limits in terms of sexual behavior). And, as seen in the following screen shots, there is a clear and intentional effort to market to younger and younger kids.
The following have become widely utilized by Sexual Predators as a means of grooming kids, as they know the power of marketing and rebranding deviance. Are all adults within alternative life styles predators? Of course not. That would be like saying that anything that comes close to the shore at the beach must be a Predator. But, what I am saying is that for those who haven't carefully studied the minds, methods, motives, characteristics and profiles of the sexual predators, it places them at a significant disadvantage in terms of the ability to discern whether it is safe to venture into those waters. Parents can't be expected to know al the warning signs of dangerous waters, so that is where the experts come in... those who can give the all clear or raise the Red Flag warning, warning parents to keep their kids out of the water. The question is, who is raising the warnings vs. who is trying to suggest that there is nothing to fear by playing in those waters, so they can simply ignore the phobic guy with the signs?
However, the silence by those "Communities" with respect to condemning and calling for the aggressive prosecution of those predators within their ranks is not only appalling, but very telling. So, decry as they might, claiming 'Phobia" against even the suggestion that there are predators who purposely embed themselves within those movements in order to easy access to vulnerable kids. However, 11+ years working with thousands of incarcerated sex offenders, reviewing their criminal files, hearing from them how grooming is accomplished, puts to rest such lame attempts at distracting from the reality that Predators use the the following to target and groom kids, as they know that many kids, who are either naive and are sitting ducks, or who've already been sexually groomed and/or exploited, gravitate to the following, and therefore are easy prey for sophisticated predators who are waiting in those waters.

From my 11+ yrs of working "up close and personal" with thousands of Predators behind bars... serving within a number of unique clinical settings, which afforded unlimited access to the full continuum of sex offenders in ways that the vast majority of academic researchers could only dream of... the one thing I learned is just how much I did not know about sexual predators... prior to working with them in prison.

Though I thought I understood about sexual predators from my readings in academic literature... through my graduate school course work, the lectures given by our tenured professors, and the assigned graduate school text book readings which all spent time on the subject of the criminal mind and sexual offenders... it was not until actually working with them in prison that I began to see what was NOT covered in those textbooks, and how much was NOT revealed, or perhaps known, in the academic literature.

And, even more important, I came to recognize just how flawed and contrived the research currently being pushed, which supposedly explains why Pedophiles offend, how there is such a thing as a MAP ("Minor Attracted Person"... AKA men who lust after kids)... men who are supposedly different from pedophiles in terms of Risk posed to kids, how there is such a thing as a "non-offending" pedophile, and how lusting after children comes from either developmental dynamics, past abuse, or brain abnormalities.

I discovered how much of what is covered in graduate textbooks and in the academic literature about pedophiles is either naively or knowingly being used to push some very dangerous myths... and, in some cases, knowingly contrived and deceptively-packaged agenda-driven pro-pedophile propaganda, which has resulted in an increased degree of risk to children.

Truth be told, the majority of research on pedophiles (whether they be labeled as such or not, whether they've been busted yet or not) has relied heavily upon time-limited structured interviews (in an office or institutional setting), which takes "at face value" the words (self-reports) of men who have either sexually harmed and exploited children, or have admitted wanting to do so... which considers those words to be truthful, reliable, and valid... which is then tabulated, extrapolated, and summarized into "findings"... which is then reviewed and approved by those who feel comfortable with viewing such a method as being able to produce reliable and valid results... which confers upon the researcher the title of "academic expert."

However, when pressed about his methodology, the researcher is hard pressed to ensure that what he was told by the offender was not:
what the offender had planned to say,
strategized by the offender toward the end of manipulating the interviewer toward a desired outcome,
provided to confirm what the researcher was already inclined to believe,
used as a means of crafting a false narrative and doing the pedophile's bidding pushing a myth or generating talking points,
used to get the false information into the "academic literature"... which will be peer reviewed and approved as "ground breaking findings",
strategically used to influence the beliefs of future clinicians, public opinion, public policy, Sex Offender Risk Assessments, judicial opinions and decisions... which can result in flawed sex offender risk assessments... which then can be used in reframing the risk posed by some of the most dangerous of pedophiles... which can result in High Risk child offenders being inaccurately deemed Low Risk... providing the justification for early release.

As an expert in analyzing the power of impression management in research interviews, university professor, law school faculty, and Sociologist, Dr. Robert C. Sorensen, Ph.D., in his time-tested article in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Interviewing Prison Inmates, expert in research interviews, he highlighted the challenges in interviewing anyone "doing time", as there are inherent challenges with objectively determining the veracity of the inmate's self-report.
Though years have past since Dr. Sorensen authored his article, the truths have remained just as true today as they existed then, as the dynamics will always be the same. His words are simply axiomatic. Yet, how much of what has come to be believed about pedophiles is the result of their self-report? As they are the world's greatest deceivers (that is how the vast majority of sophisticated predators get away with offending as long as they do), to take them at face value during a structured interview with respect to their disclosure of reasons why they did what they did, and what contributed to their offending, is questionable at best.

Does that mean that interviews with inmates in general are suspect? No, as there are a wide variety of categories of offenders, and there are various reasons for research interviews. However, for those of us who've researched sex offenders in any depth, and for those of us Certified to administer the PCL-R, it is clear that those who've harmed children had a more extensive history of elaborate deception than any other category of criminal mind. ​

​There is no better illustration of the degree of deception than understanding who the target market is for the book, Pass the PCL-R.

Given that the Hare Psychopathy Checklist is a specialized forensic test, which is administered by a professional who has been certified in the use of the instrument, used to assess degrees of psychopathy, just exactly who might be interested in reading up on how to practice manipulating the clinician administering the test? Since it is a test reserved for those who are not clearly a threat to those in decision-making capacities, it is not the highly impulsive or bloody psychopaths who are generally administered the test.

The test is, to a large extent, reserved for those with a history of violent sexual offenses, which would include most sexual offenses against children. That is why the PA Sexual Offender Assessment Board includes the PCL-R in their assessment process for the purpose of informing the Parole Board of their findings. Therefore, the vast majority of those who would be interested in reading the book would likely be those with child sex offenses. Which highlights the high percentage of sophisticated predators that exists within that category of sex offender.

A little context will help in setting the stage for how I came to see what so few academic researchers have had a chance to see... and why some of my key findings... which I have addressed extensively since retiring from the prison system... differ in important respects from what is currently held to be true about pedophiles by so many in the academic world.

And, understanding my background will help you see how I came to be able to speak authoritatively about the reality that it is porn that fuels the deviance within the minds of men who say they are "attracted" to children.

It is such darkened and deviant men and their Predator Apologists (some of these Apologists are equally as nefarious and pushing these deceptions as an insurance policy, some are simply dangerously misguided) who are pushing the following very dangerous and fictitious man-made psychological myths onto the public:
MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons) & "Non-offending" pedophiles... these fraudulent concepts have been pushed, toward influencing public sentiment, public perception, social media censorship (such as with Facebook and Twitter repeatedly banning my posts), public policy, legislation, legal opinions, and judicial decisions.