Church Protect's information and trainings are based upon the unique, "behind the scenes," embedded qualitative forensic field research findings of
Jon K. Uhler, LPC, which yielded the most insightful findings of any such research in the field of forensic sex offender research today.
In the future, once his busy schedule allows, he will submit his work to a select academic journal, to allow them the opportunity to publish his research.

Given the unique findings in his work with the full continuum of sex offenders and sexual predators... which sheds light on: (1) the true nature of men who would crossdress to gain direct access to the restrooms, locker rooms and showers of women, (2) deviant porn-saturated man who will demand "equal direct access" while taking their camera cell phones with them into women's private spaces, (3) predatory men who, once arrested, will demand to be transferred into women's prison (where they can prey upon vulnerable women), and (4) pedophiles... and the stages of deviance through which they progress and descend to become that way, which threatens the false narrative being created by certain agenda-driven academics who are "Pro-MAP" (Minor Attracted Persons), who are pushing the carefully crafted myth of "Virtuous or Non-Offending" Pedophiles, who are trying to use their flawed research methodology, to generate research findings that can be used to sway influence public sentiment, and used to influence public policy, decreasing criminal sentencing guidelines for child predators, and ultimately influence lawmakers to pass legislation which views pedophilia as a sexual orientation, thus in need of civil rights protection... some may be tempted to suggest that, because he has not published his findings in an academic journal (though, he does plan on doing so, as time permits), his work and his findings do not hold the kind of weight that "peer reviewed" research holds.
Though Jon spent nearly a decade in the world of academia (serving for 8 years as an adjunct faculty within Geneva College's Adult Degree Completion Program, teaching a variety of courses within the Human Services major, including counseling courses and abnormal psychology), he came to appreciate what an invaluable opportunity he had been afforded, by having full time unlimited and unfettered access to the full continuum of inmates, which would never be possible for any academic researcher. Given that the majority of academics spend their time within the halls of academia, after completing their undergraduate and graduate degrees, they normally would begin teaching in classrooms, keeping office hours, and doing research on the side, as they were granted permission by prison administrators to spend time interviewing inmates, which usually consists of a few hours per day, over the course of a few days... as long as the inmate was behaving himself, and was not deemed to be a security risk. Such interviews typically take place in certain designated locations, where supervision and security can be assured, and conversations recorded, and rarely, if ever, take place within the confines of solitary confinement, thus, limiting the scope of the outside academic researcher's fund of knowledge.
Along with his understanding of the rigors involved in producing excellent academic research (his masters thesis involved both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the dynamics of the family of origins emotional eaters [available here]), Jon K. Uhler, LPC, understood the unique opportunity he would have in terms of access, as no full time career academic would ever be able to access perpetrators and predators housed in long term solitary confinement, especially in the proper method that would be required to gain genuinely reliable data. Thus, his research and insights would be the result of his 11 years worth of unlimited and unfettered access within a prison setting, affording him unparalleled access to both qualitative and quantitive data, via an embedded and immersive experience within a natural research setting.
Recently, a video was located of Jon's former specialized prison unit, filmed by someone who evidently had spent time behind bars, who had the chance to access the now-shuttered PA Dept. of Correction's now-shuttered SCI-Cresson. The narration is fairly revealing, as the camera man is able to accurately discern how unusual such a unit is within a prison, and the kinds of inmates that would likely be housed in such a unit. Clearly, a unique location to gain access to one-of-a-kind research material.

That might sound persuasive, until one takes the time to consider the importance of field research, and the unique insights that can be gained by those who have gone further, dug deeper, stayed longer, and embedded themselves in such a manner as to see what "academic researchers" (who are limited because of limited access, funding issues, and time constraints) could really on dream of seeing. It is to those individuals, who manage to gain unfettered access for lengthy periods of time, in ways that enable them to blend in to the surroundings, that the greatest secrets can be observed and garnered. There are great researchers who have done just that, who also heard the dismissive comments from those within the "recognized" academic circles, but did not allow that to dissuade them from speaking out about their unique findings. Among those would be a "no named" and "unpublished" field researcher by the name of Jane Goodall, who would also be disregarded by those who did their research from the safety and comfort of their academic offices.
One of the great field researchers of our day is Dr. Allan Savory, who has spoken to the issue of the inherent limitation of research that is conducted by those whose office are within the halls of academia as it is often limited in terms of scope and depth, makes the case for the kind of research that can only be done by those in the field, who can spend the time necessary to do effective qualitative field research, like the kind Jon K. Uhler, LPC, was able to do over the span of 11+ years working in unique capacities within the Psychology Department for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (2005-2016).
How was he able to obtain such findings? From the unique vantage point of:
(1) having a specially selected set of prison keys issues to him, and being granted direct access to 100% of all general population housing units, the prison mental health unit, and solitary confinement,
(2) having the opportunity, as a prison psychology staff member with special privileges and access, to spend as many hours with any and all inmates as deemed necessary to gain as much information possible, over multiple sessions, over the span of weeks, months, and even years,
(3) having unlimited and unfettered access to the full range of offenders (which is an outside researchers dream come true, but simply not possible for any to ever experience by virtue of them being limited to which inmates they can access, and where within the prison they can go),
(4) having unique unlimited access to 100% of all background reports, files, and information ever compiled on any particular inmate, including: medical, psychological, psych-socials, criminal histories, criminal investigation documents, court documents, victim statements, access to all correspondence (written and phone if necessary), cable TV habits, what was found and confiscated during cell searches, and the corroborating information from corrections officers and other inmates on the housing units, and 24/7 surveillance,
(5) being the first clinician in North America to successfully create an intensive treatment program within a long-term solitary confinement environment, designed specifically to treat the "worst of the worst" of offenders, (2) having run one of the Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections specialized intensive treatment program for High Risk Sex Offenders and SVPs (Sexually Violent Predators),
(6) having logged more clinical contact hours within a prison's long-term solitary confinement that any other prison psychology staff in the United States or Canada,
(7) having been Certified in the PCL-R (the Hare Psychopathy Checklist),
(8) being Certified as a Clinical Sex Offender Treatment Provider, and
(9) currently running sex offender treatment groups for sex offenders on Probation and Parole.
To see the feedback Jon K. Uhler received, while serving in his various unique roles over the span of 11+ years, working as a Psychological Services Specialist in the Psychology Department for the Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections, and to see what it takes to produce reliable and valid findings when researching this population, continue scrolling. The information that follows is a part of what is included in Church Protect's intensive training:

Research into Predators

Within the filed of research into Sexual Predators, there are those who've conducted research from the confines of their offices, who will claim they've studied predators, as they have utilized closely controlled conditions, psych assessments, and even have had access to high tech brain imaging. That, they say, gives them the cutting edge when it comes to producing definitive results.
However, truth be told, the ability to study predators within an office setting, is inherently flawed in terms of methodology, and will only yield limited results as the numbers of participants will be limited to those within an outpatient setting and within "a controlled environment", which is the opposite of what is necessary, as sophisticated predators are masters of manipulation and impression management. Meaning, they know what is expected, know how to work such setting toward their own ends, and will give the researchers what they believe he wants, so long as they the Predators benefit.
In terms of brain scan results, those are useful in showing that the brains of men who lust are different. However, they can't show you scientifically how that happened. The inconvenient truth is that the scans of men who lust after kids, are remarkably similar to those who are porn addicted, and to those who are psychopathic. Meaning, unless the participant's online porn use can be objectively and independently verified and monitored (as they will inevitably deny accessing child porn), then the any brain imaging in those clients must presume that such measurable differences in brain imaging is due to significant and progressive porn use.

So, given what's on the line in terms of the safety of public safety (especially the safety of women and children), it is important to carefully consider the background of the researcher, the access he had to sexual predators, his methods of studying them, and his motives for studying them. Sadly, there are a number of researchers who are invested in swaying public opinion, public policy, legislation, and legal decisions toward viewing the perpetrator as less of a predator than he really is, shifting sympathies away from the victims and onto the predator.
In the following, you'll read some important insights into researching sexual predators. For an in-depth look into what it takes to study predators properly (to ensure both valid and reliable findings), click on the link to the left 'Research Methods & Challenges'.

Why is it vital to ensure the best methods of studying predators are employed? Because so much is riding on the ability to spot the red flags of predators. And, that is why predators and their apologists are intent upon silencing the forensic findings of Jon K. Uhler's work, as he is unmasking their carefully crafted pro-predator/pedophile agenda, of gaining unfettered access to the spaces where women and minors are most easilly accessed.

Continuum of Sex Offenders
Though there are a number of clinical categories used when discussing and treating sex offenders, based upon 11+ years of clinical work with incarcerated sex offenders, it was deemed they can best be understood in terms of a continuum of underlying issues, dynamics, and degrees of deviance, depravity, intentionality, motivation, and sadistic satisfaction.
As such, we offer the following chart to help with understanding the full range of sex offenders, and their corresponding inner drives and motivation.

Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC ©

Predators are Extreme

Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC ©

When talking about sexual predators, it is important to understand what we are vs. are not asserting. We are NOT asserting that all sexual offenders are predators. We are saying that a sexual predator is at the very extreme of the continuum of criminals in general, and sex offenders in particular.
As we note, there are approximately 8 different kinds of sex offenders, ranging from the "Young & Dumb" (e.g. those who had just graduated from high school and still socialized with high schoolers, and sexually went too far with a high school girl who he had still been dating), all the way to the sophisticated predator pedophile. It is the category of sex offenders who represent the kinds of perpetrators who methodically and strategically hunt and seek out after defrauding, defiling, and traumatizing their selected victims. Those are what we refer to as the Predator. And, it is among that group, that we find those who represent the greatest threat to churches, as they specifically select churches as their favorite targets of opportunity.

The following posts will highlight in a number of ways the extent of the predators' darkened hearts, their intentionality, their calculating methods, and their strategies, both within churches and within society, in order to try to:
(1) change terms and definitions,
(2) change public perception of them from predators to well-meaning, well-intended, and caring,
(3) float the idea that they were born attracted to children or "hard wired" as "loving" (deviant code for lust) and thus not calculating,
(4) hide the extensive amount of dark, heinous, violent, hard core & child porn they consume on a regular basis,
(5) normalize their deviance,
(6) gain easier access to kids,
(7) obtain a greater degree of public acceptance by which they can groom in plain sight,
(8) to make it more difficult for good people to resist their designs to make pedophilia legal, and
(9) negate any legal sanctions that might befall them.

Progression of Deviance

Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC ©

The "dirt little secret" that pedophiles want to keep away from public scrutiny is the extent of their porn use. 11+ years of conducting sex offender treatment with incarcerated sex offenders clearly revealed just how porn-saturated every pedophile (or as they are now attempting to call themselves, "Minor Attracted Persons, or MAPs) is, and just how dark and deviant the nature of their porn is, which always includes tons of child porn.
They will strongly react to anyone who reveals this reality, and will do so with all the energy, persistence, and contrived emotions and arguments they can muster. Yet, when they encounter someone who will not be diverted from the reality of their porn use, they will try to normalize its use.

The following are a few of excerpts from an online "exchange" between a self-ascribed "MAP" and Jon Uhler, MS, LPC. Note how easily he lies, how slippery he is to pin down, and how long it takes for him to actually admit that he views porn. What he will not acknowledge, as a pedophile, is that he extensively views child porn. That is what he wants to keep out of the spotlight. And, this is the level of deceptiveness and deviance of anyone who has sexually offended a child.

The reality is that Pedophiles have spent an incredible amount of focused energy to reach the point to where they lust after a child. They will deny the amount of time they have spent in dark porn, and the reality of the progressive nature their porn viewing. They will maintain that they are moral, yet the reality behind the scenes is far different from what they let on. They are simply counting on the average person never finding out how darkened and porn-filled their lives have become as a result of their progression into dark sex and child porn.

The following progression was obtained from countless inmate interviews case studies, and criminal file reviews, while working with thousands of incarcerated sex offenders (over a 1000 of those being Pedophiles), over the period of 11+yrs.