July 2023
In the following, you will find a compilation of "Posts" by Church Protect's Founder, Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC Facebook/JonUhler ). These represent a small portion of what he addresses each month, as he focuses on a wide variety of topics dealing with both Predators and Survivors.
As Church Protect's mission is to educate churches and other organizations on the true nature of the most sophisticated of Predators (those who specifically select churches and people of faith as their "primary targets of opportunity"), the information contained in these bite-sized nuggets of truth are designed to equip the reader to better understand the inner world and mindset of the Sophisticated Sexual Predator, in order to equip good people to better protect children and other vulnerable individuals from such Predators.
And, if you are interested in tuning into her Jon K Uhler, LPC, Live, we invite you access his internet TV program, Journey to Healing, every Friday night, 8-9pm EST, which can be accessed via the link
What are people saying about
Jon K. Uhler, LPC, host of Journey to Healing, live on TECN.TV, Fri. 8-9pm EST)?
Past episode of Journey to Healing
Journey to Healing is broadcast live, Friday nights, 8-9pm EST on TECN.TV

The newest endeavor by Jon K. Uhler, LPC, toward helping keep vulnerable women and children safe from those who would seek to gain direct access to their private spaces and private parts.

The following Twitter exchange between Jon K. Uhler, LPC and a couple uniquely deviant of AGP/MAPs on Twitter... who hide their identities, have multiple fake Twitter (sock puppet) accounts, defend porn aggressively, and become agitated when Jon unmasked them as a MAPs ("Minor Attracted Persons"/Pedophile Apologist) & Furrie (so they can directly access kids)... is provided to help reveal how such deviants debate, and how they will try anything to silence anyone who helps the public understand the minds, motives, and methods of the deviant male mind. Can you see why Jon describes them as having the tenacity and intensity of a piranha, and are adept at the art of the spin, and ducking and dodging direct questions. Notice the Twitter name one of the deviants use, to create a fake account to mimic Jon Uhler? Notice the name that the other eventually uses?

The following exchange took place between a classic predator apologist and Jon K. Uhler, LPC, on Twitter. This thread is useful for understanding the degree of deception of both the Predator Apologist (who initially always present as objective and interested in learning from those with clinical backgrounds dealing with predators). The predator apologist eventually is joined by a uniquely sexually deviant AGP/MAP, who tenaciously hides his online identity, has multiple fake Twitter accounts (inevitably to gain access to minors), who has become so fixated on Jon K. Uhler, LPC, so as to mimic him on Twitter. As you read the following, notice how Ivy (turns out likely to be a deviant male, given the hiding of identity, and the lack of revulsion once "Ron" is unmasked for being a deviant "Minor Attracted Person" [a pedophile]), sounds so reasonable at first. Where as any normal adult woman would be repulsed and angered at being deceived by a perp, Ivy reveals the opposite. Also, notice the extent to which "Ron" goes to try to create a false narrative about Jon, only to be unmasked, as a creep who has spent countless hours on Jon's websites, and has strategically collected screen shots of young girls. Also, notice how "Ron" is never phased by being unmasked as a deviant deceiver, and notice the lack of visceral reaction on the part of Ivy toward "Ron." This is a classic example of how "birds of a feather" (Ivy and "Ron"), flock together.
This is provided for educational purposes, so you can see the classic line of reasoning and debate tactics porn-fueled perpetrators and their apologists use to counter any professional who begins to highlight the dangers of porn, unmask the deviance of pedophiles, and unravel the spin these deviants attempt to put forward re. "non-offending" pedophiles. Ads you read the exchange, notice the degree of persistence these porn-fueled identity-hiding deviants evidence, notice their attempts to sound knowledgable (without any clinical background), and notice how quickly they will duck and dodge the issues of the harm of porn, and their own porn consumption.